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JeffmerkleyWelcome to the Oregon House Democrats’ Blog—an exciting new way to engage in truly open dialogue with the Democrats in the House of Representatives.

In today’s hot political climate, information is everything. But it’s not enough simply to read newspapers, magazines and websites, or to watch cable news. Legislators need a way to participate in a no-holds-barred exchange of ideas, opinions and views on a 24/7 basis. And the people need a way to make their voices heard. That’s what this blog provides, and it’s open to everyone who has a view to express.

The 27 members of the Oregon House Democratic Caucus believe in an open government. Unfortunately, the rush of legislative business, as well as the limitations of space and time, prevents many people from communicating directly with legislators. This new blog enables any interested person to see the positions taken by House Democrats and to comment on them. It will provide the constant flow of information that legislators need to respond to constituents’ concerns.

I hope you find our blog informative and accessible. Give us your thoughts, ideas and complaints. Tell us how we can make the blog better. And please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected].

May 23, 2005 by Democratic Leader Jeff Merkley
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Permalink: Welcome!


Great idea House D's& good luck!

Posted by: Jesse Cornett | May 24, 2005 9:37:19 PM

Bravo Dem Reps! I'd encourage your GOP counterparts to be as accessible, but honestly, I think the word count on this site in the first day exceeds the total my opponent produced in online substance in the entire 2004 race, so no holding of my breath :P

Education Funding and preserving a recognizable Oregon for Posterity... get on it! :)


Posted by: John Doty | May 24, 2005 11:40:34 PM

A suggestion. Could you please change the color of the text in the right column? The maroon over green is really hard on the eyes.

Posted by: Marcello | May 25, 2005 11:27:54 AM

wow. i'm not actually from oregon, but i admire the concept a lot. if a netizen wanted to start up a similar blog in, say, new mexico, would you have any tips on how to start or propose the idea?

Posted by: GetSamuel | May 25, 2005 1:17:16 PM

Dear GetSamuel --

Jon Isaacs is the person to contact for help to Dems in other states. He would love to help Dems get net-organized. He can be reached at [email protected].

Posted by: Rep. Jeff Merkley | May 25, 2005 2:03:48 PM

Yay!!! I'm adding this site to my list of daily must-reads. I'll suggest links at the county party sites and DPO site as well.

If there are things you'd like engaged Oregonians to do, please don't hesitate to post them.

Posted by: Jenny Greenleaf | May 25, 2005 4:42:59 PM

thanks, rep merkley!

Posted by: getsamuel | May 26, 2005 2:43:36 AM

Thank you Oregon House Dems for opening the door! I read about the new blog in today's Oregonian. I do hope you plan to publicize your launch to Democratic activists throughout the state. Specifically, how about notifying each of the county parties of your existence? Those of us in the Second Congressional District are desperate to connect with House Dems, especially since we have so few on this side of the mountains. Thanks for helping us stay connected!

Posted by: Pat Ackley | May 26, 2005 8:28:22 AM

Thank you Oregon House Dems for opening the door! I read about the new blog in today's Oregonian. I do hope you plan to publicize your launch to Democratic activists throughout the state. Specifically, how about notifying each of the county parties of your existence? Those of us in the Second Congressional District are desperate to connect with House Dems, especially since we have so few on this side of the mountains. Thanks for helping us stay connected!

Posted by: Pat Ackley | May 26, 2005 8:28:43 AM


Good to see words from you. I'm told that Salvador Peralta has sent an email out to all the county parties.

Posted by: Rep. Peter Buckley | May 26, 2005 10:07:21 AM

re: Dems on east side of mtns---westlund's a good man for ya, no?

Posted by: rinowatch | May 26, 2005 10:29:59 AM

Fantastic idea! I have it bookmarked and will be checking it daily. Thanks

Posted by: Sally Kissell | May 26, 2005 2:04:09 PM

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