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Brian Clem for House District 21: He's as Oregon as it Gets!
"Today, Oregon's promise of opportunity is still just a dream for too many working families. That's why I'm running for State Representative." - Brian Clem.
Brian Clem has an extensive history of public service and strong leadership for Oregon. Brian served as the Student Body President at Oregon State University and worked for US Senator Ron Wyden for five years, opening the Senator's first Salem office. Brian is the former two term President of the Salem City Club and is an active member of the Salem Chamber of Commerce. He was the chief petitioner on Salem's voter approved law giving citizens the right to vote on new annexations by the city. Brian also served four years as the Chairman of the Oregon Student Assistance Commission overseeing Oregon's college financial aid programs.
Brian and his wife Carol live near McKinley School in Salem.
Brian Clem: A small business owner and farmer ready to be a citizen legislator.
Brian Clem owns On Site PC Help, a computer business in Salem. Along with his wife, Carol, he also co-owns a family fruit orchard in rural Oregon. He believes its time to return to the days of the citizen legislature when neighbors served communities and offered honest answers and tough solutions to the problems we face - even if those solutions aren't politically popular.
Brian Clem: He's not a politican. He's a new leader with new ideas for Oregon.
Brian Clem isn't part of the problem in the state legislature. He's a community leader and small business owner who believes its time to break the stranglehold the powerful special interests have on the legislature. That's why Brian will lead the fight to ban gifts and free vacations for elected officials.
Brian Clem: An independent leader who will stand up to the special interests.
Brian Clem will make sure real people come first in our legislature again. He'll work to close the loopholes that allow off-shore corporations to get massive tax breaks while working families get squeezed. And Brian will demand that health insurance companies hold public hearings before they raise our rates.
Brian Clem: Helping thousands of Oregonians go to college.
As Chairman of the Oregon Student Assistance Commission, Brian Clem protected and expanded programs to help more Oregonians receive the financial aid they need to go to college. And during Brian's tenure, the number of Opportunity Grants being awarded to Oregonians expanded to record levels.
July 11, 2006
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