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Brian Grisham: A New Direction for a Better Oregon!
“Together we can finally give the 19th District what it deserves – an advocate for accountability and a voice for every citizen. We need a new direction for a better Oregon.” - Brian Grisham
Brian Grisham represents a unique opportunity to seize a Republican stronghold, the seat of former State Rep Dan Doyle (HD 19, South Salem, Turner, Aumsville). With the disgraced former Representative out of the picture, Brian has the experience, commitment, and the local grassroots support needed to win.
Brian Grisham: Local leadership you can trust
Brian grew up, raised his two girls, and started his small business in South Salem. He took on Doyle in 2004 and caught him with his hand in the cookie jar. Since, Brian has been active in his community chairing his neighborhood association, managing two campaigns for school board, and numerous other community activities. Now, Brian is charged to take the 19th District.
Brian Grisham: New ideas for protecting our values
Brian knows we must bring common sense to government spending. As a cost consultant, Brian knows that enhancing protections for working people, programs like the Oregon Health plan, and creating a stable, well funded education system keep our state strong and save us money in the long run.
Brian Grisham: A campaign for change
So far Brian has knocked on thousands of doors but he needs your help to take back the 19th District. Please help him in his effort to make District 19 Democratic with a donation to Brian Grisham.
August 12, 2006
Permalink: Brian Grisham: A New Direction for a Better Oregon!
Brian is a great guy. Glad to see him here on the blog. I hope all the Salem area candidates are here eventually.
Posted by: Liz Toy | Aug 23, 2006 11:13:16 PM
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