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Rob Brading Sets the Record Straight: He's the only Candidate in House District 49 with a Plan to Protect our Kids.

This week, Karen Minnis launched one of the ugliest and most dishonest attacks ever seen in Oregon politics. The attack was so low that Minnis has attempted to convince voters that she had nothing to do with it even though her principal campaign strategist is the principal strategist behind the attacks (he owns the website.)

Well, this week while Minnis and her hatchet men have been busy doing damage control explaining their desperate tactics, Rob Brading and his wife got to work making sure families in East County know that in fact, Brading is the only candidate with a detailed plan to protect our kids.

You can help Rob put an end to Minnis' destructive politics by volunteering or contributing to his campaign today.

On Saturday, Rob's wife, Karen Wood, the Associate Chaplain at Willamette University, called and mailed thousands of east county voters expressing her outrage at Minnis' desperate attack, an attack the Gresham Outlook called, "Ridiculous on its face."

Karen wanted to make sure that east county voters know Rob the way she does - A local leader. A preacher's kid and a seminary graduate who knows right from wrong.

You can read Karen's letter here: Download falsewitness.pdf

This week, Rob aggressively pushed his plan to protect our kids. In fact, Rob Brading is the only candidate in House District 49 with a detailed plan to protect our kids.

Rob Brading's Common Sense Plan to Protect our Kids

-Rob Brading will push for a new tax on the profits of the pornography industry to fund new programs to protect our kids from dangerous content and help keep sexual predators off the streets.

-Rob Brading will support tough new laws to help parents protect their kids from violent and sexually explicit video games.

-As the CEO of Multnomah Community Television, Rob Brading succesfully removed shows from the air that were indecent and posed a threat to our children and families. As State Representative, he will help community television across the state keep their programming safe for our families.

You can read the plan Rob sent to east county families here: Download bradingplan.pdf

By helping Rob Brading win you can help elect a real leader who will put an end to the politics of personal destruction and provide real leadership for our kids and our families.

Visit RobBrading.com and join his campaign today.

August 18, 2006
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