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Arnie Roblan: Principal. Teacher. Neighbor.

Arnie Roblan is turning the tide for Oregon's South Coast.

Rep. Arnie Roblan served generations of Coos Bay families as principal of Marshfield High School in Coos Bay before retiring in 2004. Arnie may not be the youngest Legislator, but he is the only one to have just gotten out of high school!

Arnie Roblan launched is first TV ad today!

During the 2005 session, Arnie showed that he is willing to take a stand for what is right even in the face of partisan political threats. When House Republican leader Wayne Scott threatend to cut funding for the North Bend airport expansion, Arnie Roblan stood firm for the South Coast. Thank's to Arnie's bi-paritsan leadership, he and State Sen. Joanne Verger succeeded in bringing over $10 million to the project.

By making a contribution to Future PAC today you can help us keep Arnie's positive ad on the air and defend him against the coming Republican attacks. Wayne Scott made his very first campaign visit anywhere last fall when he showed up in Arnie's district. Arnie's opponent ran one of the most negative campaigns in Oregon when he vicously attacked Senator Joanne Verger in 2004. He's already attacking Arnie and forums and public appearances!

A contribution to Future PAC today will send a message to Arnie's opponent that we don't need his smear campaign on the South Coast again!

As Arnie demonstrates in his TV ad, he thinks the South Coast deserves a clean campaign on the issues. More than ever we need leaders with integrity, like Arnie Roblan, in the Oregon House.

September 26, 2006
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Watched your 1st commercial on demo blog..awesome Arnie way to go! I am in Salem working on Brian's race. Wishing you the best..and knowing that YOU ARE THE BEST candidate and we are so lucky to have you representing us, and helping ALL Oregonians with your skill, knowledge and compassionate leadership.
Linda Clem

Posted by: Linda Clem | Oct 22, 2006 8:09:08 PM

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