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Brian Clem Campaign Continues to Roll - Launches Second TV Ad!

The Brian Clem for House District 21 campaign continues to pick-up steam. Yesterday, Clem received the endorsement from the Statesman Journal. Today, Clem launched his second TV ad.

Watch Brian Clem second TV ad, "Newspaper" here:

Last week, Billy Dalto's ethics problems continued when the Oregonian reported that he failed to appropriately report a trip he took to China. With his new TV spot Brian Clem continues to take a strong stand against unethical behavior, which has unfortunately become the norm with the Republicans in control of the Oregon House.

You can help clean up the mess in the Oregon House by helping us elect Brian Clem today!

October 10, 2006
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Clem has built a strong campaign the old fashioned way - door to door, neighborhood by neighborhood. Dalto is a misfit transplant who landed here without a clue about our great state and what makes the Salem area one of the best places to live in the country. His record in Salem is one of the worst in decades.

I'm sending more money to Mr. Clem at this very moment. Dalto is a flake who is literally doing nothing valuable in the office he backed into by default. Clem is a winner and is destined for great things in Oregon.

Posted by: Jay Lawson | Nov 2, 2006 7:18:09 AM

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