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House Republicans Bankrolled by Radical School Voucher Advocates
Question: Why is a political committee set-up to push a radical initiative bankrolling House Republican candidates?
Answer: To bring the radical proposal of school vouchers to Oregon.
Solution: The only way to stop private school vouchers from destroying our public schools is to help the Oregon House Democrats take back the Oregon House. Volunteer for one of our candidates or make a contribution to Future PAC today.
The Details
The so called "First Class Education for Oregon" committee is spending $80,000 on cable advertising for three House Republican candidates including embattled House Speaker Karen Minnis. In addition to the $80,000 on cable advertising, this committee has spent thousands of dollars on direct mail and phone calls on behalf of virtually every targeted House Republican candidate.
This committee's stated purpose is to push initiative petition 131, better known as the so-called "65% solution for schools." However, this committee made no serious effort to put the initiative on the 2006 ballot and has, in fact, already formed a committee for 2008. Which gets us back to the original question - why is an initiative committee bankrolling House Republican candidates?
Fortunately for Oregonians, a leaked memo written by the political consultant for this group, Tim Mooney, exposed their radical agenda. What does this memo tell us about Billy Dalto, Shirley Parsons, Everett Curry, Karen Minnis and the other House Republican candidates being funded by this extreme organization?
Let's find out.
Under the Heading "Political Benefits of 1st Class Education" Mooney outlines the group's real agenda.
Read the memo for yourself here: Download first_class_ed_memo.pdf
- Pitting Teacher and Administrators Against Each Other.
FCE argues that their proposal “pits administrators and teachers at odds with one another with monies flowing from the former to the latter…” Furthermore, it claims that their proposal will “create tremendous tension within the organization.” Finally, it argues that “Every day and every dollar the education establishment uses to defeat this proposal is a day and a dollar they cannot spend on other political activities.”
- Creating a Political Environment Favorable to Private School Vouchers.
FCE outlines, in this, point, their long term goal of creating the right environment for vouchers. The memo states, “While voucher and charter school proposals have great merit, large segments of the voting public—especially suburban, affluent women voters—view these ideas as an abandonment of public education…Once additional fixing and funding of public education can be achieved via the 1st Class Education proposal, targeted segments of voters may be more greatly predisposed to supporting voucher and charter school proposals, as Republicans address the voting public with greater credibility on public education issues.”
- Allows the Use of Unlimited Non-Personal Money For Political Positioning Advantages.
According to Mooney and FCE, the 65 Percent Solution will allow supporters to sidestep campaign finance laws and regulations. They write, “The aforementioned benefits can be achieved with funding in any amount an from any source. In an era of campaign finance limitations on candidates, PACs and parties, galvanizing an electorate via the initiative process is a tremendous opportunity.”
What can we do to stop this?
Now that we know that the real House Republican Agenda is to push private school vouchers under the guise of "putting more money into the classroom" while skirting campaign reporting laws, what does that say about the honesty and integrity of their candidates and members?
The Oregon House Democrats have outlined their plan to bring positive change and bi-partisan cooperation back to the House. If you agree with this positive plan for Oregon's future help us take back the House today.
October 23, 2006
Permalink: House Republicans Bankrolled by Radical School Voucher Advocates
I support school vouchers. I have seen the results of public education and how poor it is. Kids deserve better. Tax payers deserve better. Parents should have the right to choose their childs school. It is not fair the poor have to suffer thru our very very poor public school system.
Janis Tebow
Posted by: Janis Tebow | Nov 30, 2006 5:16:39 PM
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