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Rob Brading & Charles Lee Stand on their Faith.


Democrats Rob Brading and Charles Lee stand on their faith in their tight campaigns for the State House of Representatives.

These Democrats are reaching out to all communities of faith by sharing their personal stories of conviction with new radio ads which launched today!

Stand with them by donating through their websites to keep their messages of faith and progress up on the airwaves. For an ad to run once, it can cost as little as $65 and no more than $88. Just one airing reaches tens of thousands of voters in their districts.

Click on the quotes below to hear the ads. Then click on their contribution links to keep these spots up on the air.

“My father taught me that living by God’s Law makes life easy—all you have to do is tell the Truth and you’ll be fine. But he also taught me that the Truth needs courage and firm convictions to survive.”

-Charles Lee, Democratic Candidate for House District 25

"As a preacher’s son, my family’s faith sustained us. It instructed us, comforted us and ultimately forged a set of values that became the foundation of my life."

-Rob Brading, Democratic Candidate for House District 49

Stand with Rob and Charles as they fight for Oregon’s future. Your help will lead to better schools, quality health care, a growing economy and safer neighborhoods. Please contribute through their websites now to keep their messages up on radio!

Help keep Charles Lee's and Rob Brading's message of faith and hope on the air by contributing to one or both of their campaigns today!

October 18, 2006
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I am glad to see Democratic candidates talking about their faith, with Lee and Brading leading the way. By our actions, the Democratic party has much more in common with religious people of all faiths than the other party has shown. Social issues such as women's right to vote and civil rights that were led by religious groups and strenghthened in law by Democratic legislatures make that clear. The party should embrace all its constituents, in this case re-opening a dialog with both religious organizations and individuals.

Posted by: gbraymond | Nov 1, 2006 6:03:30 AM

I'm glad that Democrats are finally talking about our faith and spiritual values. For too long, conservatives have expressed an attitude that implys that God favors their side. While making show of their religion, they have taken food and health care away from the poor, tried to reduce minimum wage, funding for public education, while sending our young people away to die in a bogus war for oil greed.

I am a Christian. From what I've read in the four gospels, Jesus had a lot more to say about greed and economic injustice than anything else.

Thanks, Ed Garren

Posted by: Ed Garren | Nov 3, 2006 8:42:42 AM

Well, I m sure not going to vote for a guy who brags of voting against MY rights to reproductive choice...because of HIS religion That means Charles Lee. If he is basing his votes on his religious faith, then reason will not prevail in trying to persuade him that he should not legislate in areas where our faiths differ..even.

Posted by: C. S. | Nov 3, 2006 2:24:14 PM

old mom having sex

Posted by: sfqtdqlqau | Mar 17, 2007 3:37:48 AM

I'm pleased to see that Christian Democrats are beginning to speak out about faith issues, recognizing that in many ways, our stands on social issues are very much in line with the teaching of the Bible. As the author of JESUS RODE A DONKEY: Why the Republicans Don't have a Corner on Christ, I recognize that many Republicans base their entire Christian voting stance on abortion (there's nothing in the Bible about it) and homosexuality(very few verses, compared to the hundreds and thousands about oppression, justice, mercy, etc.) Hopefully, this point is getting across. Dr. Linda Seger

Posted by: Dr. Linda Seger | Sep 13, 2007 10:26:22 AM

Good article. This article is provide good detail about house democrats.

Posted by: Maria | Apr 3, 2009 6:43:23 AM

Awesome post. I love stuff like this.

Posted by: Pakistanjobs.pk | May 15, 2009 11:20:05 PM

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Posted by: Property in Turkey | Jul 5, 2011 12:42:33 PM

This is one thing that I really believe is true, Truth needs courage and firm convictions to survive.It really needs enough courage!

Posted by: property turkey | Aug 30, 2011 8:57:45 PM

very good post, I wish there was more of the same.

Posted by: Altinkum property | Dec 1, 2011 6:07:45 AM

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Posted by: Richard | Dec 29, 2011 2:15:57 AM

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