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The Oregonian Endorses Rob Brading for House District 49.

The Oregonian: "Clean House. Replace Speaker Karen Minnis."

Today The Oregonian endorsed Rob Brading in his bid to replace House Speaker Karen Minnis.

From The Oregonian endorsement:

"Voters in east county's District 49 should elect Rob Brading in Oregon's most important legislative race

As House speaker, Karen Minnis has presided over two of the longest, most rancorous and least productive sessions in the history of the Oregon Legislature.

That's enough. Oregon voters should not stand for another legislative session rife with bad blood and partisanship, where little or nothing gets done on the core issues of education, health care and public safety.

If Oregonians hold anyone in the Legislature accountable in this election -- and they should -- it must be Minnis."

More from The Oregonian Endorsement:

"The Democrat running against Minnis, Brading, is ready to serve in the Legislature. He is as bright and engaging as any of the major candidates in this election season. He has a broad and successful background in public service, leading the Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce and serving on advisory boards for county libraries, Gresham police and the local affiliate for Habitat for Humanity.

Brading, 57, is chief executive officer of MetroEast Community Media, a local public access television station. He is a mainstream Democrat who believes Oregon should strengthen its investment in schools and universities, and should join states such as Massachusetts and Vermont in exploring creative ways to address the health care crisis. Brading is more than capable of serving the people of District 49."

October 15, 2006
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"He is a mainstream Democrat"? What are you inferring here? That some of us are not mainstream or our views are somehow out of the mainstream and Mr. Brading must distance himself from us?

Please remove this statement or reword as its implications are bad for the party.

Posted by: Robert | Nov 1, 2006 12:08:50 PM

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